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主题: 中国小公司在国际商务中的竞争:阿三来中国买机械,中国企业诋毁本国同行
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作者 中国小公司在国际商务中的竞争:阿三来中国买机械,中国企业诋毁本国同行   

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 专家
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/02/21
文章: 4238
来自: 广州:gz_venture_club AT yahoo DOT com
海归分: 180045

文章标题: 中国小公司在国际商务中的竞争:阿三来中国买机械,中国企业诋毁本国同行 (2814 reads)      时间: 2012-7-23 周一, 21:30   

作者:tutu海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

事情是这样的,有一个印度客户VVVVV,同时向 HHHHHH 及其中国同行 GGGGGGGG 询价,然后利用双方的竞争心态互相压价。然后 中国公司 GGGGGGGG 就对印度客户 bad mouth HHHHHH。

两家中国公司都是制造一种泡沫塑料回收设备,用于把 密度为 0.02的EPS泡沫塑料压缩到密度0.3 。(没有经过发泡的PS原料的密度大约是1.05)

GGGGGGGG 对印度人说: HHHHHH 是一家很小的copy工厂,我们根本不把 HHHHHH 看成竞争对手,我们跟他们根本不是同一种质量,你比较一下规格参数,你懂不懂机械的啦?如果要买 HHHHHH 的设备,你可以在中国找到更便宜的厂家。

印度客户把 GGGGGGGG 发给他的邮件转发了给 HHHHHH,并且说:your products are bad -chinese company says so


It is sure that we are making money for waste EPS. Or why we do this business? Absolutely. We purchase more than 3000tons compacted EPS blocks per month. Once again if you compress the EPS then you are not carrying air!!! After compress, no air inside EPS blocks. Regarding the EPS compactor machine. Surely If you believe, you can go with HHHHH. We are too familiar with HHHHHH. And we did not take him as GGGGGGGG competitor at all because we are not in same quality line with GGGGGGGG. Even our customer made a comparion of GGGGGGGG and HHHHHH before, they find below information.

Model CP250 C100
Total Motor power KW 5.68 9.55
Throughput kg/h 80 100
Machine weight kg 660 1200
For a same output machine, HHHHHH’s motor just half of GGGGGGGG as well as the weight. If you don’t understand what this mean then we can say that you know nothing about machinery. We will see what will happen. HHHHHH is just a small copy factory for compact machine in China. We can figure you out as many as you want to see from China and maybe even cheaper than HHHHHH. This is what we say made in China. Simple copy!!! meanwhile we are the only factory in China we can support the whole EPS recycling chain. From recycling machinery to end products of photo frames. Every month we can ship more than 200x40HQ frame products. You can set up the frame manufacturer in India. . I don’t want to waste your time.
Good luck to you.
Regards XXXX XXX EPS Recycling Representive GGGGGGGG Recycling, Shanghai

作者:tutu海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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