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主题: 睿智璀璨卓越辉煌博学高瞻远瞩的林岚岚瀣研究员杰出辉煌的科技成就概览
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作者 睿智璀璨卓越辉煌博学高瞻远瞩的林岚岚瀣研究员杰出辉煌的科技成就概览   

头衔: 海归列兵

性别: 性别:女年龄: 50
加入时间: 1970/01/01
文章: 12
来自: 中国科学院物理研究所激光物理重点实验室L01组和磁学国家重点实验室M01组,Beijing, 中国, China
海归分: 153

文章标题: 睿智璀璨卓越辉煌博学高瞻远瞩的林岚岚瀣研究员杰出辉煌的科技成就概览 (11130 reads)      时间: 2012-4-10 周二, 05:20   

作者:vendeuse海归文集 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

我叫林岚岚瀣:又名,林岚岚 . 斯格雯多琳 ,是研究员, 女, 1973年 10月22 日出生于塞上江南逶迤崔嵬的宁夏回族自治区首府银川市, 目前是美国物理协会终身正式会员,美国生物物理终身正式会员,美国自由基与生物药物协会终身正式会员,美国一氧化氮协会终身正式会员,美国磁性中子衍射协会终身会员,中国物理学会正式终身会员,中国科学院物理研究所激光物理重点实验室 L01组与磁学国家重点实验室M01组高级璀璨研究员,美国北卡罗莱纳州温斯顿.赛莱姆市的守夜人森林大学 (Wake Forest University) 物理系化学系优异卓越的资深博士后和助理研究员,1985年荣获宁夏回族自治区作文竞赛二等奖,1986年荣获宁夏回族自治区书法竞赛三等奖,1989年5月她荣获省级三好学生荣誉称号,1990年11月我荣获全国化学奥林匹克竞赛获二等奖(银牌),是宁夏回族自治区银川市第一中学的学校学生会骨干领导委员干事,三次荣获银川市三好学生荣誉称号奖励等,荣获多项极品崇高高尚荣誉称号奖励,1991年7月我考入矗立于安徽省合肥市的姹紫嫣红阴翳卓越的中国科学院中国科学技术大学技术物理系,担任班级副班长和物理系学生会宣传部长的职务,还获得中国科学技术大学女生连1连 方队长的荣誉职务称号。我品学兼优严谨睿智博学认真勤奋才华横溢全面发展,多次荣获学校三好学生、优秀共青团员等荣誉称号奖励,1993年11月我光荣荣耀神圣地加入了中国共产党,1995年2月我被保送推荐到中国科学院物理研究所磁学国家重点实验室和极端条件物理重点实验室攻读硕博连读研究生,探索深奥尖端的巨磁电阻多层膜自旋阀NiFe/FeMn/NiFe传感器磁存储磁读头和低温超导PrLaCaCuO超流准晶体AlCuCo薄膜块体碳纳米管的电磁量子输运性质,期间我组织策划了多次辉煌靓丽缤纷的大型体育文娱比赛活动,荣获多次中国科学院和中科院物理所的学术科技奖励表彰荣誉,2000年9月我奔赴繁花似锦美轮美奂旖旎尖端发达的美利坚合众国的华盛顿州西雅图市的华盛顿大学化学系攻读博士后研究工作,深入钻研探索尖端深奥的自相似纳米催化光子晶体异质结界面态蛋白石拉曼光谱高分辨透射电镜分析谱的前沿课题,一年后接着我又继续在美国依阿华州立大学物理和天文系与美国能源部埃姆斯国家实验室、美国北卡罗莱纳州的守夜人森林大学物理系和化学系、美国田纳西州的美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室担任聘用为资深卓越博士后,探索研究复杂深邃的磁性散裂冷热非弹性时间飞行中子、X光衍射技术探测具有庞磁热效应Tb5(SixGe1-x)4 和庞磁致伸缩效应NiFeGa 的稀土族化合物、高自旋分子磁体Mn12、 Fe8、V15的复杂的磁矩分布、以及血红蛋白、肌蛋白与葡糖氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、胫胺、羟基脲、人胎盘钙粘蛋白、组氨酸的自我催化动力学反应治愈攻克恐怖的癌症等重要课题。同时优秀慧婕熠熠生辉的她还在依阿华州立大学和守夜人森林大学的中国学生学者联谊会担任重要核心的主席领导干部等职务,积极组织策划 筹划参加多次璀璨绚烂辉煌高质量的大型文娱体育竞赛活动,搏得领导专家上级的由衷高度一致赞誉褒奖!2004年11月我留学回国加盟受聘于中国科学院物理研究所激光重点实验室的L01组进行研究员的科研工作,探索尖端复杂的非线性全光波长选择的准晶光子晶体特异材料的量子井、增元减元波分滤波器、位相延迟 器、负折射率光子晶体隐形飞机材料、微齿轮微剪刀、超快光开关光陷阱、双光镊、近场光学显微术等前沿重要课题,我还利用尖端的非弹性时间飞行散裂中子衍射和X光技术探测庞磁热效应、庞磁致伸缩效应、高自旋分子磁体Mn12、Fe8、V15材料、磁性稀土纳米合金Ho2Fe9Ga2Al6、Pr2(Fe(0.8)Co(0.2))(14)B、亚稳态稀土永磁体Nd2Fe23B3、Er2Fe15Mn2C电磁波吸收材料、和磁冷材料MnFePGe等晶体深邃独特新颖的磁矩分布取向和磁结构特性。目前我已经在国际超一流的学术刊物上发表了六十多篇高质量优秀卓越的科技文章,引起科学界同行前辈鼻祖科学家的高度一致的褒奖赞誉嘉奖,引起学术界猛烈强烈的轰动潮流。林岚岚研究员博学知识渊博才华横溢胸有丘壑高瞻远瞩韬光养略为人高雅旖旎醇厚馥郁爱好广泛,精通擅长爱好音乐演唱钢琴吉他长笛舞蹈、美术绘画、体育篮球排球羽毛球乒乓球游泳艺术体操等等,联系方式:Tel:13436503710, 13716571973,[email protected], [email protected][email protected]. URL: www.lanlan.zoomshare.com, www.lanlan.freehomepage.com. 发表科技文章摘要 41. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Lin, Howard W. Shields, Virginia L. Lockamy, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Kris T. Huang, Xiuli Xu, Anne Jeffers, Jerrold E. Kielbasa, Kejing Chen, Jinming Huang, and S. Bruce King, 'Tenebrous Doctrine of Affranchising Anti- cerebral infarction HbNO And Engender Jarless Opti-Thermal Ligand-Complex From Reduce-Oxidate Reactions of Hb with Nitrite to Salvage Leuk(a)emia Indagated by Circular Dichroism Spectrometry', Submitted to Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2010; 40. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Lin, Howard W. Shields, Virginia L. Lockamy, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Kris T. Huang, Xiuli Xu, Anne Jeffers, Jerrold E. Kielbasa, Kejing Chen, Jinming Huang, and S. Bruce King, 'Promethean Axiom of Anti-stenocardia PCA and PCAD Pharmaceutical Expungator to Affranchise Anti- Myocardial Infarct HbNO, and Engender Jarless Opti-Thermal Ligand-Complex From Reduce-Oxidate Reactions of Hb with Nitrite Embroidering Nitrate to Salvage Leuk(a)emia', Submitted to Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2010; 39. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Lin, Howard W. Shields, Virginia L. Lockamy, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Kris T. Huang, Xiuli Xu, Anne Jeffers, Jerrold E. Kielbasa, Kejing Chen, Jinming Huang, and S. Bruce King, 'Catalase-Mediated Anti- Myocardial Infarct Nitric Oxide Ramification Catalyzed by the Antimicrophyte Hydrogen Peroxide Generated by the Antidotic Glucase and Glucase Oxidase in Present of Nitrite', Submitted to Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2010; 38. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Lin, Howard W. Shields, Virginia L. Lockamy, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Kris T. Huang, Xiuli Xu, Anne Jeffers, Jerrold E. Kielbasa, Kejing Chen, Jinming Huang, and S. Bruce King, 'Catalase-Mediated Solving-thrombused Nitric Oxide Ramification From Anti- Leukemia Hydroxyurea Catalyzed by the Antimicrophyte Hydrogen Peroxide Generated By the Alexipharmic Glucase and Glucase Oxidase', Submitted to Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2010; 37. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Lin, Zemin Lin, and Derong Chen, The Scrumptious Family Paradise Which I am Sauntering Orgiastically Dexterously, submitted to 《Bosom Friend》 and 《Family》 in December 2009. 36. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin1, 2, 3, Constantine Stassis1, 3, 4, David Vaknin1, 3, 4, Jerel L. Zarestky3, 2, 6, Camille Y. Jones6, 3, Thomas A. Lograsso4, 5, 3, Ovidiu V. Garlea3, 2, Deborah Schlagel4, 5, 3, Vitalij K. Pecharsky5, 4, and Kcarl A. Gschneidner5, 4, The Serpentine Hypostasis of Magnetic-crystalline Multi-phase Configurable Permutation and Tremendous Magnetic Moments Excavation of Mammoth Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.2Ge1.8 Excogitated By High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction Scrunity, Submitted to American Conference on Neutron Scattering 2010 Conducted at Ottawa, ON, Canada in June 26, 2010. 35. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin1, 2, 3, Constantine Stassis2, 3, 4, David Vaknin2, 3, 4, Jerel L. Zarestky3, 4, Camille Y. Jones6, 3, Thomas A. Lograsso4, 5, Ovidiu V. Garlea3, 4, Vitalij K. Pecharsky5, 4, Kcarl A. Gschneidner5, 4, Deborah L. Schlagel4, 5, Alan I. Goldman, and Paul C. Canfield, The Arcane Magnetic-crystalline Configurable Mutation and Prodigious Magnetic Moments Excavation of Mammoth Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5SixGe4-x (x=2.2 and 2.5) Excogitated By High-Resolution Neutron Diffractions Scrutiny, Submitted to American Conference on Neutron Scattering 2010 Conducted at Ottawa, ON, Canada in June 26, 2010. 34. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin1, 2, 3, Constantine Stassis2, 3, 4, David Vaknin2, 3, 6, Jerel L. Zarestky3, 2, 6, Camille Y. Jones6, 3, Thomas A. Lograsso4, 5, Ovidiu V. Garlea3, 2, 6, Vitalij K. Pecharsky5, 4, Kcarl A. Gschneidner5, 4, Deborah L. Schlagel5, 4, Alan I. Goldman, Paul C. Canfield, and Derong Chen,The Turgid Labyrinthine Magnetic-crystalline Multi-phase Configurable Mutation with Mammoth Magnetic Moments of Enormous Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.2Ge1.8 Excogitated By High-Resolution Neutron Diffractions, Submitted to American Conference on Neutron Scattering 2010 Conducted at Ottawa, ON, Canada in June 26, 2010. 33. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin1, 2, 5, Constantine Stassis2, 3, 5, David Vaknin2, 3, 5, Camille Y. Jones6, 5, Jerel L. Zarestky5, 2, 3, Thomas A. Lograsso3, 4, Ovidiu V. Garlea5, 2, 3, Vitalij K. Pecharsky4, 3, Kcarl A. Gschneidner4, 3, Deborah L. Schlagel4, 3, Paul C. Canfield, Zemin Lin, and Bin Bethia Lin, The Flummoxing Promethean Magnetic-crystalline Configurations and Mammoth Magnetic Moments of Behemoth Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.5Ge1.5 Indagated By High-Resolution Neutron Diffractions, Submitted to American Conference on Neutron Scattering 2010 Conducted at Ottawa, ON, Canada in June 26, 2010. 32. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin1, 2, 3, Constantine Stassis2, 3, 4, David Vaknin2, 3, 4, Jerel L. Zarestky3, 2, 4, Camille Y. Jones6, 3, Thomas A. Lograsso4, 5, Ovidiu V. Garlea3, 2, 4, Vitalij K. Pecharsky4, 5, Kcarl A. Gschneidner4, 5, Deborah L. Schlagel4,5, Bin Bethia Lin7, and Paul C. Canfield, The Unhackneyed Puissant Magnetic Configurations and Stupendous Magnetic Moments Excavation of the Mammoth Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.5Ge1.5 Scrutinized by the High-Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction Inguisition, Poster presentation in the EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NEUTRON SCATTERING (ECNS)-2011, Prague, Czech Republic, in July 17-22, 2011. 31. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Lin, Howard W. Shields, Virginia L. Lockamy, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Xiuli Xu, Kris T. Huang, Anne Jeffers, Jerrold E. Kielbasa, Kejing Chen, Jinming Huang, and S. Bruce King, Unhackneyed Unfathomable Mechanism of Anti-stenocardia PCA and PCAD Pharmaceutical Expungator to Engender Allosteric Impact of Hb and Affranchise MetHb and Jarless Opti-Thermal Ligand-Complex from Reduce-Oxidate Reactions of Hb with Nitrite and Chloride, Annual Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society meeting in San Diego, CA, November 11, 2010. 30. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Lin, Howard W. Shields, Virginia L. Lockamy, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Xiuli Xu, Kris T. Huang, Anne Jeffers, Jerrold E. Kielbasa, Kejing Chen, Jinming Huang, S. Bruce King, and Bin Lin, Labyrinthian Whoisjohngal of Alexipharmic and Antiseptic HEPES Buffer and Angiectasis PCAD-PCA Pharmaceuticals for Vertiginously Assoiling the Met-Hb and HbNO in Dynamical Autocatalyzed Oxide-Reduced Reactions of Hemoglobin with Nitrite and Chloride, Ninth Annual Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society meeting in San Diego, CA, November 11, 2010. 29. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin2, 1, 3, Constantine Stassis2, 3, David Vaknin2, 3, Jerel L. Zarestky2, 3, Camille Y. Jones4, V. Ovidiu Garlea2, 3, Thomas A Lograsso5, Deborach L. Schlagel5, Vitalij K. Pecharsky6, Kcarl A. Gschnedner, "The Unfathomably Idiographic Magnetic-crystalloid Configurations and Egregiously Stupendous Magnetic Moments of Colossal Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.2Ge1.8 Scrutinized By High-Resolution Neutron Diffractions"; Invited Poster for 2009 International Conference on Neutron Scattering of US Materials Research Society. 28. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin2, 1, 3, Constantine Stassis2, 3, David Vaknin2, 3, Jerel L. Zarestky2, 3, Camille Y. Jones4, V. Ovidiu Garlea2, 3, Thomas A Lograsso5, Deborach L. Schlagel5, Vitalij K. Pecharsky6, Kcarl A. Gschnedner, "The Scrumptiously Unfathomable Magnetic Moments Exhumation of the Colossal Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.2Ge1.8 Scrutinized by the High-Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction Inquisition; Invited Poster for 2009 International Conference on Neutron Scattering of US Materials Research Society. 27. Lanlan Sgwendolyn Winifret Lin2, 1, 3, Constantine Stassis2, 3, David Vaknin2, 3, Jerel L. Zarestky2, 3, Camille Y. Jones4, V. Ovidiu Garlea2, 3, Thomas A Lograsso5, Deborach L. Schlagel5, Vitalij K. Pecharsky6, Kcarl A. Gschnedner, and Bin Bethia Lin, "The Gewgawish High-resolution Neutron Diffraction Indagation of the Magnetic Configuration of the Colossal Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.2Ge1.8"; Invited Poster for 2009 International Conference on Neutron Scattering of US Materials Research Society. 26. Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Yovonne Lin, Virginia L. Lockamy, Jerrold Kielbasa, Kris Huang, Howard Shields, Jinmin Huang, Xiuli Xu, Kejing Chen, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Jeffers Anne, and S. Bruce King, "Gewgawish Unfathomable Dynamical Mechanism of Affranchising NO and Engendering Thermooptical Stable Ligand-Complex from Reduce-Oxidate Reaction of Catalase and Glucose Catalyzed by Glucose Oxidase Protein Scavenger in the Present of Nitrite",Submitted to Nature Chemical Biology. 2008. 25. LanLan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, Virginia L. Lockamy, Jingmin Huang, Xiuli Xu, Jerrold Kielbasa, Kris Huang, Howard Shields, S. Bruce King, Daniel Kim-Shapiro, Anne Jeffers, “Immaculate NO Expurgator of PTIO Dynamically Operationally Affranchises Nitrotyrosine, Dityrosine, and Nitrotryptophan Catalyzed by Myoglobin Derivatives in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide” Submitted to Journal of Biological Chemistry in 2008. 24. LanLan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, Virginia L. Lockamy, Jingmin Huang, Xiuli Xu, Jerrold Kielbasa, Kris Huang, Howard Shields, S. Bruce King, Daniel Kim-Shapiro,Anne Jeffers, “Ultramundanely Recondite Dynamical Mechanism Scrutiny of Colorant Pigment Fixation and Germicide of Histidine for Expediently Affranchiseing the HbNO and Met-Hb in Dynamical Autocatalyzed Oxide-Reduced Reactions of Hemoglobin”, Submitted to Journal of Biological Chemistry in 2008. 23. Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifet Lin, Zhi-Yuan Li, Kai-Ming Ho, Benyuan Gu, Constas Soukoulis, Daozhong Zhang, Guozhen Yang, Bingying Cheng, Bin Lin, and Tomohiro Shibata, ‘Grotesque Dynamical Tonability of Multichannel Procedure Embedded in All-optical Multiplex Staged Photonic Crystals Channel Drop Filter’, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.(June 2006) 22. V. O. Garlea, J. L. Zarestky, C. Y. Jones, L.-L. Lin, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, A. O. Tsokol, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., and C. Stassis, ‘Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Magnetoelastic Compunds Tb5SixGe4-x (X=2.2 and 2.5), Phys. Rev. B 72, 104431 (2005) 21. Lanlan Lin, Zhi-Yuan Li, and Bin Lin, ‘Engineering Waveguide-cavity Resonant side Coupling in a Dynamically Tunable Ultracompact Photonic Crystal Filter’, Phys. Rev. B 72 165330 (2005) 20. Zhi-Yuan Li, Hong-Yi Sang, Lan-Lan Lin, Kai-Ming Ho, ‘Evanescent-wave Assisted Wideband Continuous Tunability in Photonic Crystal Channel-drop Filters’, Phys. Rev. B 72, 035103(2005). 19. LanLan Lin, Virginia L. Lockamy, Jingmin Huang, Jerrold Kielbasa, Kris Huang, Howard Shields, S. Bruce King, Daniel Kim-Shapiro, ‘Kinetic Mechanism of Anionic Ligation-Promoted Autocatalyzed Reactions of Nitrite in Formation with MetHemoglobin’, Free Radical Biology and Medicine 37: s21-S21 suppl. 1. 2004 18. Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, Dianlin Zhang, Shuyuan Lin, Li Lu, Yunping Wang, Constantine Stassis, Thomas Lograsso, Deborach L. Schlagel, David Vaknin, and Bin Lin, ‘The Evaporation, Microstructureal Evaluation, and Metal-insulator Transition in Fully Oriented Decagonal Quasicrystalline AlCuCo Thin Film’, submitted to Phys. Rev. B (November 2004). 17. LanLan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, Jingmin Huang, Virginia L. Lockamy, Jerrold Kielbasa, Kris Huang, Kejing Chen, Xiuli Xu, Howard Shields, S. Bruce King, Danniel Kim-Shapiro, and Anne Jeffers, ‘Meretriciously Perplexing Dynamical Mechanism of Affranchising Stable Thermooptical Ligand-Complex from Autocatalyzed Reactions of Hydroxyurea, Catalase, glucose Catalyzed by Glucose Oxidase Protein Scavenger As The Substitute For Nitrite", Submitted To Journal of Biological Chemistry (2007). 16. LanLan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, Jingmin Huang, Virginia L. Lockamy, Jerrold Kielbasa, Kris Huang, Kejing Chen, Xiuli Xu, Howard Shields, S. Bruce King, Danniel Kim-Shapiro, and Anne Jeffers, "Pyrotechnic Tanglesome Dynamical Mechanism of Affranchising Thermooptic Stable Ligand-Complex From Autocatalyzed Reactions of Catalase In The Present Of Nitrite As Protein Expurgator For Nitric Oxide", Submitted To Journal of Biological Chemistry (2007). 15. Bin Lin,. Tomohiro Shibata, H. Gordon Berry, and Lanlan Lin, Beam-gas Spectroscopy of Sextet Transitions in O3+, F4+ and Ne5+, arXiv:physics/0403133 v1 , Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2004). 14. LanLan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, V. Ovidiu Garlea, C. Stassis, David Vaknin, J. Zarestky, C. Jones, A. O. Pecharsky, V. K. Pecharsky, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, K. A. Gschneidner, and Paul C. Canfield, ‘Abstruse Magnetic Structure of Colossal Magnetocaloric Compounds Tb5Si2.2Ge1.8 Scrutinized by Thermal Inelastic High-Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction’, submitted to Phy. Rev. B. 13. LanLan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, C. Stassis, David Vaknin, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, V. K. Pecharsky, A. O. Pecharsky, Paul C. Canfield, V. Ovidiu Garlea, Jerel L. Zarestky, and C. Jones, ‘Voluptuous Grain Morphology, Microstructural and Magnetic Configurations Scrutiny of the Colossal Magnetostrictive Ferromagnetic shape memory Fe-Ni-Ga Compounds’, Submitted to Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 12. LanLan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, V. Ovidiu Garlea, C. Stassis, David Vaknin, J. Zarestky, C. Jones, A. O. Pecharsky, V. K. Pecharsky, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, Paul C. Canfield, K. A. Gschneidner, ‘Exquisite High-Resolution Thermal Inelastic Neutron Diffraction Disquisition of the R5(SixGe1-x)4 (R = Dy, Er, Tb) Colossal Magnetocaloric Compounds’, Submitted to J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 11. Lan-Lan Lin and Zhi-Yuan Li, ‘Sensitivity of Light Coupling with Photonic Crystal Waveguides on Surface Termination Morphology’, Phys. Rev. B(69) 193103-193106 (2004). 10. Lanlan Sgwendolyn-Winifret Lin, Dianlin Zhang, Shuyuan Lin, Li Lu, Yunping Wang, Constantine Stassis, David Vaknin, Thomas Lograsso, Schlagel L. Deborach, V. Ovidiu Garlea, Jerel L. Zarestky, Paul C. Canfield, and Bin Bethia Lin, “Diaphanious Indagation of the Anisotropic thermopower Evolution in the Highly-Oriented Decagonal Quasicrystals AlSiCuCo Bulk Materials at Ultra-Low Temperature”, Submitted to Physical Review Letter (2004) 9. Zhi-Yuan Li, Lan-Lan Lin, and Kai-Ming Ho, ‘Light Coupling with Multimode Photonic Crystals Waveguide’, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4699-4701 (2004). 8. 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