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主题: [原创][留交会首席大记者现场直击] 海归晚会光阴苦短心态好, 留交日市菜鸟恨多差距大 - [横批] 三生有幸四日换五言
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作者 [原创][留交会首席大记者现场直击] 海归晚会光阴苦短心态好, 留交日市菜鸟恨多差距大 - [横批] 三生有幸四日换五言   

头衔: 海归少尉
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:男年龄: 35
加入时间: 2009/12/27
文章: 86
来自: 3rd World
海归分: 2790

文章标题: [原创][留交会首席大记者现场直击] 海归晚会光阴苦短心态好, 留交日市菜鸟恨多差距大 - [横批] 三生有幸四日换五言 (4387 reads)      时间: 2009-12-28 周一, 14:31   

作者:戳穿你的画皮海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Frontier Poetry

Some of my 2 Cents:

0. 别把自己当人才
1. 不要以初恋心态找投资
2. 不要以离婚心态找工作
3. 别找投资让投资找你
4. 别找工作创造工作
5. 成本地理位置人才资金都不再重要 - 21st世纪最重要的是思想
6. 心动不如行动
7. 珠江夜景在浦江灯火中黯然失色
8. 从各地回上海恰如从各国回美国: 这就是差距
9. 去过夏威夷还敢去三亚: 这就是心态
10. 你从哪里来不重要,你在哪里也不重要,关键是你到哪里去

- 以上不是五言, 五言在后

- I have to report it in English to save time, there might be some errors and typos, sorry about that

Last time I attended OCS-GZ was in 2000, at that still working in the US, way too naive, just like a lot of people I met this time. This time I had no plan in fund raising or anything else, was supposed to be a light trip, and indeed it was

This time made a strategic mistake on not getting a rental car, stayed at hotel for 4 nights and 3 days, watching OCS-GZ opening ceremony on TV, attened 2 parties, one outside, the other is Haiguinet, the latter did well - I was the one who suggested the field manager at the banquet hall to make lights more comfortable for ball scene at least 4 times (he did it every time, but always not enough until the very last time), the last time I joked with him: this lesson you must have never learned from your Marriot training courses; I am also among the one who avidly advocate to make the party free - Free is not Freedom, Freedom is not free

The quality of food was way below my normal standard, even the closing formal dinner, the quality of lodging is fine. Now getting a taxi was tough, I had to go subway on the Christmas Eve, had not been riding on subway for many years, it was an awful experience. They offered free cell phones and metro passes, which was good, I just did not take them

OCS-GZ is good in a sense only for entry-levels, I was benefited a lot before. I met with following 4 guys among many I have no time to offer details:

1. A buddy known since 2002, I first met him at CHTF 2002 in a similar scene,
he's in bio sector, after planning for near a decade, he just set up a venture
at a city of Jiangsu, he is still working in US in the mean time. His hair is slightly grayed

2. A guy slightly senior than me, knows very few about those things, plan to try something new, I told him time may run out so just hurry up. I was wondering how he had bee spending his time during those days. His hair is severely grayed

3. A guy I met with at OCS-LZ (China OCS) at Dalian in Oct., he is funny, I have quite a few common interests in sharing with him, anyway. He possesses full black hair just like mine

4. A guy I met with at the shuttle from the airport on the way to hotel, he is tenured in a mediocre school (also my school, after one year I transferred to a much better graduate school) in North America without a local degree. He claimed to be my alumni in China, unfortunately he got his PhD there, what we matters are undergraduate degree at least in top schools here. Anyhow he is doing well judging from his background with sort of luck. His hair is severely grayed

BTW I won't attend OCS-GZ for a while for sure, so see you guys again hopefully in 2018 at Guangzhou!

Last but not the least, only if you get rid of common sense, you might have a chance to establish common sense, or let me put in in poetic way (the only outcome I got from this trip);

- Four days for five sentences, what a great price! But it deserves.

Source of Discovery (12/27 ~ 12/28/09)

Body is prison of soul
Suffering is consequence of pleasure
Dissatisfaction is result of comparison
Satisfaction is instant illusion
Ignorance is source of discovery


作者:戳穿你的画皮海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由戳穿你的画皮于2010-1-06 周三, 09:52修改,总共修改了12次

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