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主题: 蹶倒!美国大院的西瓜今年也疯狂 - 市长居然丢了乌纱帽(多图)
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作者 蹶倒!美国大院的西瓜今年也疯狂 - 市长居然丢了乌纱帽(多图)   
The Fifth Season

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文章标题: 蹶倒!美国大院的西瓜今年也疯狂 - 市长居然丢了乌纱帽(多图) (3352 reads)      时间: 2009-3-03 周二, 02:08   

作者:The Fifth Season海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Monkeys, watermelons and black people

By Mary Mitchellon February 26, 2009 1:00 PM


Mayor who sent watermelon e-mail says he'll resign


ZT "----The mayor of a small Southern California city who was criticized for sending an e-mail showing watermelons in front of the White House says he will give up the mayoral post but remain on the City Council.

The mayor of a small Southern California city who was criticized for sending an e-mail showing watermelons in front of the White House says he will give up the mayoral post but remain on the City Council.

Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose heard calls for his resignation this week when he forwarded an e-mail showing a watermelon patch on the White House lawn under the title: "No Easter egg hunt this year."

Grose has apologized and said he wasn't aware of the racial stereotype that blacks like watermelon.

Officials in the Orange County town say Grose will officially resign as mayor on Monday. But Grose told KCAL-TV on Friday that he intends to remain on the City Council.

The mayor is a council member chosen to serve in that position by fellow members of the five-seat council.

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ZT 美一市长因发送白宫草坪种西瓜照片邮件而辞职

消息来源:中国新闻网  网友评论 23 条

  中新网2月27日电 据美国媒体报道,美国加利福尼亚州一名市长因为发送一张关于白宫草坪种西瓜照片的电子邮件而面临辞职。




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2 大 中 小 游客 72.248.134.x 留言 2009/2/28 05:17

3 大 中 小 游客 67.152.82.x 留言 2009/2/28 05:25

4 大 中 小 游客 76.69.73.x 留言 2009/2/28 05:33

5 大 中 小 游客 76.15.73.x 留言 2009/2/28 06:04

6 大 中 小 游客 66.170.194.x 留言 2009/2/28 06:40

7 大 中 小 游客 75.185.17.x 留言 2009/2/28 06:43
黑人和西瓜没有关系。 但当一般美国人(白人)说,"he/she eats watermelon or chicken",时。带有很强的歧视。一般指向黑人。

8 大 中 小 游客 75.185.17.x 留言 2009/2/28 07:09

黑人和西瓜没有关系。 但当一般美国人(白人)说,"he/she eats watermelon or KFC",时。带有很强的歧视。一般指向黑人。

9 大 中 小 游客 68.144.173.x 留言 2009/2/28 08:17

10 大 中 小 游客 207.118.43.x 留言 2009/2/28 08:42

11 大 中 小 游客 66.235.49.x 留言 2009/2/28 09:09

12 大 中 小 游客 66.235.49.x 留言 2009/2/28 09:19

13 大 中 小 游客 68.100.66.x 留言 2009/2/28 09:31
The smiling "darkey" eating watermelon was a popular image during America's racist past, and was the one of the stereotypes used by Obama-haters during the presidential campaign . The photo is very insulting to blacks. People who don't understand American culture will thing this is nothing, but it is racism.

14 大 中 小 游客 99.238.55.x 留言 2009/2/28 09:37
12 大 中 小 游客 66.235.49.x 留言 2009/2/28 09:19

豉油鸡是指印度人, 阿碳是指黑人

15 大 中 小 游客 69.77.191.x 留言 2009/2/28 10:54

16 大 中 小 游客 75.45.254.x 留言 2009/2/28 11:08

17 大 中 小 游客 75.45.254.x 留言 2009/2/28 11:09
倍可亲(backchina.com) 白人中间有黑人爱吃西瓜的说法

18 大 中 小 游客 24.6.208.x 留言 2009/2/28 17:00

19 大 中 小 倍可亲网友 沙林 2009/2/28 17:44 留言

20 大 中 小 游客 207.229.169.x 留言 2009/2/28 18:44
黑猩猩 - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
西瓜 - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
KFC - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
黑人(Black) - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
黑鬼 - - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
黑人太過于敏感了吧! 美國有沒有言論自由?

21 大 中 小 游客 207.229.169.x 留言 2009/2/28 18:44
黑猩猩 - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
西瓜 - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
KFC - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
黑人(Black) - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
黑鬼 - - 帶有歧視黑人關系啊?
黑人太過于敏感了吧! 美國有沒有言論自由?

22 大 中 小 游客 69.236.172.x 留言 2009/3/1 05:59

23 大 中 小 游客 174.151.105.x 留言 2009/3/2 04:26

24 大 中 小 游客 76.118.35.x 留言 2009/3/2 15:23
African America 才是对非裔礼貌的称呼。

疯狂的西瓜 甘愿被摧残的西瓜:

" ---There's a fairly easy way to do that, though I'm not sure if they use the same method. You simply put whatever container you want around the watermelon while its young and the fruit will conform to the shape of the container. You could grow a pumpkin inside a milk crate and achieve the same effect. Disney World does this to their cucumbers so that all salads have Mickey Mouse-shaped cucumber slices. By Guest


Well, I imagine they are safe to eat, they will still taste the same, They will only be shaped differently. That's all. I would like to have one. They cost a lot though, these square shaped ones. They start at about $82. That's like 10,000 yen if you haven't done the math. They're pretty expensive because of convenience, and things like that, but I think the cost is unreasonable. Once you eat it, there goes $82. ---"

Courtesy of: http://www.thegreenhead.com/2004/07/pyramid-square-shaped-watermelons.php

Monkeys, watermelons and black people
By Mary Mitchellon February 26, 2009 1:00 PM



U.S. Attorney Eric Holder stepped on some toes when he said we need to talk more. But he was absolutely right.

Within short span, we have two examples of racial ignorance----one from the nation's largest city and another from a city that is only 2-1/4 square miles.

Let's start with the mayor of Los Alamitos, CA., a tiny town in Orange County.

Mayor Dean Grose was forced to apologize after it was reported he sent an e-mail out to colleagues and business people--including a black woman who serves on a committee with the mayor--that depicts the White House lawn planted with watermelons.

I'm not sure how Grose expected people to respond, but African Americans don't find watermelon jokes funny. All you have to do is research racial stereotypes to understand why. The smiling "darkey" eating watermelon was a popular image during America's racist past, and was the one of the stereotypes used by Obama-haters during the presidential campaign .

Grose claims he was "unaware of the stereotype that black people like watermelon," and didn't mean to "offend" African Americans.

But you don't have to be from a small town to be ignorant about offensive stereotypes.

New York Post owner Rupert Murdoch was forced to give a rare apology after a racially offensive political cartoon sparked daily protests outside the newspaper's offices. The cartoon depicted two New York cops shooting a chimpanzee. The cartoonist l<x>inked the rampage of a chimp that tore off a woman's face to the creation of the stimulus package.

Murdoch and the cartoonist both claimed not to know the monkey has long been used as to disparage the intellect and humanity of African-Americans.

Just about any black person on the street could have told these white males they were about to set off a firestorm.


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附录: 顺藤摸瓜,还是看一下,他们自己的坦率:

Watermelon man
Spike Lee gets in your face with blackface.

"--- By Larry Gabriel

Rastus and Remus are two colored gentlemen lolling around the watermelon patch talkin’, cogitatin’ and generally philosophisin’.



Racist GOP group depicts Obama with watermelon, ribs


"--- A San Bernardino County Republican group has distributed a newsletter picturing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on a $10 bill adorned with a watermelon, ribs and a bucket of fried chicken. --- Diane Fedele, president of the group, said she had no racist intent.

'I never connected,' she told the newspaper. 'It was just food to me. It didn’t mean anything else.'

The Obama campaign declined to comment, saying it does not address such attacks.

watermelon man



作者:The Fifth Season海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由The Fifth Season于2009-3-27 周五, 05:40修改,总共修改了16次

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