[音乐心情]James Blunt: "Goodbye My Lover"
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#1: [音乐心情]James Blunt: "Goodbye My Lover" (3034 reads) 作者: 北极光来自: 曾飘在北纬66度以北 文章时间: 2006-11-26 周日, 16:24
作者:北极光高山流水 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

第一次听到James Blunt的歌曲“Goodbye My Lover”的时候,是在挪威乡下路边的小乡村酒吧里.一个人.当然,整个挪威就是一个宁静的小山村.虽然James Blunt的嗓音带有明显的中性化特征,但如在耳边喃喃细语而给你揪心和心疼的感觉,真实的细微,平淡的真实.

James Blunt,这位标准的英国本土音乐人.却有着战争独特的人生体会,一手拿着枪,一手拿着吉他的James Blunt把他们都创作成为了歌曲。给人真实却无奈旋律.

无意中在amazon看到乐评人Robert Burrow这样评论James Blunt的这张Back to Bedlam的唱片:

As a piece of propaganda, James Blunt’s album Back to Bedlam does more for changing the face of the British Army than a series of television adverts ever could. Swapping a rifle for a guitar, the former cavalryman’s ballad-heavy debut is a clearly aiming to win the battle for the public’s hearts and minds. The U.K. success of singles like "You’re Beautiful" and "No Bravery" (inspired by his time stationed in Bosnia) are both heartfelt and sensitive, the latter packing an additional emotional punch beyond the typical lovelorn ballads of his contemporaries like Damien Rice. But Blunt also sings with conviction about matters of the heart, and that’s the territory that most of Back to Bedlam visits, with songs of loss like "Goodbye My Lover", "So Long Jimmy" and "Billy". And throughout, the arrangements remain understated yet effective, thanks to the input of such heavyweight producers and songwriters like Linda Perry and Guy Chambers. All of which prove that there’s a lot of depth to this modern, musical hero.

大致是说,James Blunt这个科索沃战争的老兵的音乐产品,只是英国当局用来改变因为因为出兵科索沃而声名狼藉的英国政府形象的政治宣传品(propaganda)。这里这个propaganda这个词相当传神。当然假如你英文水平不高,那很遗憾你很可能无法领会其中的深刻含义了。

而相比之下,中国的传媒普遍把James Blunt描述成一个有着忧伤往事的“浪漫上尉”,丝毫不提他大红大紫背后的政治企图。当然,文化和生活背景的差异,使很多人丧失了洞察力,这其实也是一件意料之中的事情。

正如好多事情是美丽的,我们看到美丽的一面也就完了,你又何必捅破这张美丽的窗户纸,让我们看到背后那丑陋的一面呢?当我们听到科索沃老兵James Blunt的动人歌曲的时候,有没有必要更深入地了解一下他在改变英国在科索沃战争中受损形象的作用呢?


当听到"Goodbye My Lover"时候,会想到什么呢???






作者:北极光高山流水 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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