硅谷华创北京聚会,欢迎海归网朋友参加 - 7/23
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#1: 硅谷华创北京聚会,欢迎海归网朋友参加 - 7/23 (2590 reads) 作者: 尚未海归 文章时间: 2006-7-22 周六, 09:27
作者:尚未海归海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

SVCEF's first gathering in Beijing was very successful. We went to one of the best restaurants in Hou Hai(后海)... food was nice, talk was great, and the night was so beautiful...

I received a lot of emails that show interest to attend a networking event in Beijing. As some of us arrive in BJ after 7/20, we plan for the 2nd networking gathering dinner in Beijing on 7/23. The details are as follows:

Timing: 6:00pm on 7/23, Sunday
Place: Hua Jia Yi Yuan (花家怡园)
Address: #235, Dong Zhi Men Nei Street (鬼街)

We will get together at the gate of the restaurant first. Can you please reply to this email, or call me at my BJ cell 13439295448, so I can have an idea for
total headcount. We might change to another date if too few people are available for this specific timing.

BJ cell:13439295448

作者:尚未海归海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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