猎头职位:Shanghai-Central Sales Operation Manager-180~200K/Y
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#1: 猎头职位:Shanghai-Central Sales Operation Manager-180~200K/Y (1282 reads) 作者: jackiesong 文章时间: 2010-7-25 周日, 18:50
作者:jackiesong海归招聘 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Job Role/Key Areas of Responsibility

The CSO Manager will be responsible for the periodic sales reports and data analysis, sales toolkits research and building, and sales policies/ procedures standardization and optimization. The manager shall coordinate sales team in support and audit, and focus on cross-department communication and cooperation for business development.

Key requirements of this position are partnering with CSO head and the specific responsibilities of the CSO Manager are as follows:

Essential Function

 Sales reports – submit daily sales reports for track and overview of national sales status and CC pair performance;

 Data analysis – provide periodic and ad hoc sales data analysis for senior sales decision, management and guidance;

 Database maintenance – keep sales reports/analysis in record and file in database for information search and index, assist with SF department to maintain the online reports in proper operation

 Sales toolkit building – help sales team to design and develop sales tools to form a foundational operative structured system for sales related standardization and efficiency improvement;

 Sales policies/procedures standardization and implementation – assist with CSO head in sales policies/procedures draft, update and implementation, deal with policy/procedure issues from front line and collect feedback timely for sales team support;

 Cross-department function – keep up to date in communication with related departments for good relationship and cooperation, together with

CSO head to coordinate with sales team in cross-department function.

 Team management – help to manage and lead team members in sales training and audit, provide appropriate support as necessary;

 Coordinate CSO projects – assist with CSO head in projects coordination and assignment

Key Measurement

 Sales reports/analysis delivery: monitors real-time sales performance against standard benchmarks, submit reports/analysis periodically and provides guidelines on performance improvements

 Sales policy/procedure related: makes timely announcement of new policies and procedures with clear implementation guidelines and relevant training where appropriate

 Feedback/Follow Up: proactively solicits feedback on policies and procedures and follows up in timely fashion on suggestions and comments

 Cooperation with CSO head in ad hoc/sudden issues treatment

 Assist and support in sales team operation and development

Specific Requirements

 Excellent communication skills

 Good at logical thinking and reasoning

 Master in Salesforce system

 Expert at data analysis and report

 Familiar with sales team operation and processing

 Time management capability

 Proven ability to perform under pressure

 At least 36 months working experience on sales and support position


Krimx.com - 复旦、中欧MBA发起的猎头职位分享网站

作者:jackiesong海归招聘 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

海归论坛 -> 海归招聘

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