[老中原创] 我为重庆市COFTEC英语杂志投稿的14篇文章摘要
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#1: [老中原创] 我为重庆市COFTEC英语杂志投稿的14篇文章摘要 (2843 reads) 作者: laozhong来自: 苏州/天津/北京/重庆/美国 文章时间: 2010-1-22 周五, 17:02
作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Dear XXX,

After talking with you the other day about my writing some articles for "Chongqing Currents", I have the following plan for your review and comments.

First of all, I think I should write something Chongqing foreigners are interested in and the information provided by my articles should be non-commercial and helpful to them.

based on the above principle, listed below are some articles maybe appropriate for your magazine. If yes, please tell me which one I should write and submit to you first.

1. What kinds of college graduate are most welcome by foreign enterprises in China?

This is from my 9-year observation since 2001 I came back to Chongqing. Surprisingly, they generally do not like to hire the following college graduate:

too tall or too short

too pretty or too ugly

too good English or too bad English

dress to kill or too sloppy

from a too good college or too bad college

from a high-class family or a low-class family

simply no idea what you have in mind

Do you want to know why???

2. How to find a qualified executive assistant for foreign enterprises in Chongqing?

Many GM/CEO have to take care of the routine calls and e-mails from overseas by themselves because it is very difficult to find someone who can really help them out!

I am going to tell you how to find one and you can then sit back spending more time with your family.

3. My British boss and his Hunan wife have been married for 20 years. How does it work?

Share with you my 3.5 years of close observation.

4. At 63, my 9 years of experiences with Chongqing hospitals

5. As a US citizen, why did I choose Chongqing as my final destination for retirement?

6. Both Chongqing men and women are the best in the world!

While I think Chongqing women are the best [not just by look], a locally famous Chongqing professor tells you why Chongqing men are also the best in the world!

7. English corners in Chongqing [not just talking about our English corner!]


Never find someone you can have a really in-depth discussion about virtually anything?

Come to our English corners and pick up only those you enjoy talking with! [because you are not a paid English teacher, who have to put up with those rich kids sent by their parents.]

8. From Beijing to Chongqing when I was 13

Tell you the big differences between the two cities' culture from a 13-years old boy's eye.

9. Why did I choose Holiday Inn Chongqing for our English corner's first Christmas party in 2002?

10. My 3 months with Dalian Mapleleaf International School in 1997 [Their ad is shown on the back cover of your current issue]

11. College students with Top 1%, TOP 0.1% and TOP 0.01% English proficiency in Chongqing. How do they sound like?

12. An oral English Contest in Chongqing. The 7 native English judges were just like in a diving competition.

13. Articles from foreign teachers at our English corner [After an RMB 4000 farewell party @ Marriott Chongqing, would they write their Chongqing experience for us?]

14. Articles from our English corner participants [If our English corner changed their life ENTIRELY, would they write for us?]

Hopefully we can have further discussion at the 2/2 party.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

John Peng 15213159212


作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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