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主题: 第一次读汉奸宣言...
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作者 第一次读汉奸宣言...   
所跟贴 冲击欧洲文化思潮的法国和意大利的文化革命直接源于中国--I prefer to say that -- parisparis - (1495 Byte) 2005-7-16 周六, 14:09 (255 reads)

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2005/06/06
文章: 5263
来自: 外星
海归分: 664766

文章标题: if you would read carfully, you would have noticed that (176 reads)      时间: 2005-7-16 周六, 14:34   

作者:250海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

1. i did not mean china got europe started on the cultural revolution, but just so happen it was in the rebel oriented
60's witht he right social transofrmation timing. but the inspriation was clearly from china on the specific form.

2. i did not go on any further about socialism as we all knew where the chinese communist party got the whole idea from.
you were broadening the subject with a technical twisting.
you slipped?

3. by the same token, when you talk about civil right movements it was beyond the cultural revolution i was referring to and i did not even included US in my statement as i recall. you were seemingly objecting something not there to begin with, doesn't it appear so?

4. I am really impressed and happy for you when you got the impression from the commissioners on how ignorent they are abotu china. guess whose loss would that be? many americans who were never out of the country appear to be the same way. that was why they lost the war in vietnam and perhaps many more to come. again, these would only mount to their own loss. i would not feel petty for them.

5. for your information, many among the pioneer to revive the ancient chinese arts/musics are mostly from europe, actively
engaging their chinese cultrual activities. so do not be fooled
when the shallow ones tell you they see china as a backward
nation. I had heard that song before some 20 years ago from the americans. there are a lot more americans now paying more attentions. or they will find themselves among the others to be left out

in short, i still maintain the undeniablly influnce from china on the european cultural rev in 60's, although their social context was entirely different from the one in china, where the cultrual rev did not really change any academias in the chinese art education systems.

would you agree this is a somewhat fair statement?

作者:250海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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