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主题: 这里是卡塔尔(超级难听懂的英语,大家不妨试试)
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作者 这里是卡塔尔(超级难听懂的英语,大家不妨试试)   
所跟贴 这里是卡塔尔(超级难听懂的英语,大家不妨试试) -- 山东斯汀 - (1810 Byte) 2008-9-14 周日, 08:04 (2287 reads)

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 博导

加入时间: 2008/09/13
文章: 2158

海归分: 144415

文章标题: 费了近两小时,还有1个字用字典查不着,应该差不多了 (489 reads)      时间: 2008-9-14 周日, 11:18   

作者:strawhat2tiny2tiny海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

I visited the Middle Eastern nation of Qatar, which is an Islamic state and one of the wealthiest nations in the world, much of the London Stock Exchange has been bought by Qatari money obtained through its rich gas reserves. It is estimated that in four years time, Qatari people could be the richest in the world, and it’s recently declared by Transparency International as the least corrupt nation in the Middle East. But what does this mean? The nation is a peninsula from Saudi Arabia, a small land mass consisting predominantly of uninhabitable desert fits for only for camels and extreme motres ?????? surround by the warm Indian ocean. The original source of all revenue for Qataris and an important part of their historical culture along with the religion of Islam, as these artifacts from the Islamic museum in Doha show.

The sukkahs,a lively place of socializing trade and music, or you can call it that. Since Roman times, Qatar has acquired all of its revenue from pearl fishing and dried fish. Warm seas, a home to an enormous variety of marine life, all of which are available at market. Along with alive birds, which is Qatar's pets, the well being of animals is by no means a priority for this culture.

The remenance of Qatar's northward pasts are visible all around the bustling modern city of Doha. Commercial western culture is embraced, you can find Venetian Gondolas along side the traditional whirling dervishes in this shopping mall. The nation's extreme wealth and power is entirely due to their ability to harness natural energy resources of the land, with a huge amount of natural gases, which also make Qatar a popular destination for western businesses.

TaMart Global productions has recently documented a P.R. stunt by an energy company named Raskas which is the fifth largest enterprise in the world and also heartily endorsed by the nation's ruler. These girls were sponsored by Raskas to visit England and learn our culture, history and language, and in return they support Vienidi companies which essentially run their nation. Companies like Raskas benefited enormously from the support of the ruler Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and his family. His picture can be seen in every establishment of Doha, he is something of a hero among native Qatars who pay no tax, but receive housing benefit and free health care and education. But beneath the surface lies discontent. Labors from India, Bangladesh and Philippines are often forced to live in far more squalled conditions. The Americans champion the nation as an example of democracy in the middle east. But despite the fact Thani has allowed parliamentary elections in which of even women to vote. He would not allow his own position to be jeopardised by democratic processes and the rest of those who even speak of a coo by the one he instigated to take control of the nation away from his father.

Will the so called democracy be liberal enough to coup with the inevitable culture revolution that international business bring to a nation? Torn between his loyalties to his neighboring nation Iran and Iraq, and to his business relation to Britain and America, Qatar may become increasing vulnerable politically.

作者:strawhat2tiny2tiny海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由strawhat2tiny2tiny于2008-9-14 周日, 11:37修改,总共修改了3次

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