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主题: 英文版记录片-姚明传(似乎被神化了)
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作者 英文版记录片-姚明传(似乎被神化了)   

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女年龄: 51
加入时间: 2005/09/14
文章: 679
来自: 某国驻华使馆
海归分: 106854

文章标题: 英文版记录片-姚明传(似乎被神化了) (1066 reads)      时间: 2007-5-10 周四, 13:52   

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Life Story Of Yao Ming/dictation task/may 10

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Built over 2000 years ago, the Great Wall of China became the enduring symbol of a country that closed itself off to outside influence.

Never let the world know that behind the shadow was an insensible passion for basketball as rich as any Chinese tradition.

There are an estimated one billion basketball fans in China. That is more than three times of population of the United States.

Emerging from the multitude was one man who would carry the weight of China's future on his shoulder.

Yao Ming is like this beacon of everything for China. The basketball is just such a small part of it.

And come to embody the hopes of an entire nation. We are really proud of him. Yao will realize our dream.

He is expected to represent 1.3 billion people, and there's no one any one person can really represent that many people, but that's on him.

Let's go Yao, lead the way.Yao Ming, Yao Ming…Yao Ming is this, the most steered person of a country I've ever seen, that is like traveling with elders.Yao Ming has become the symbol of the changing face of China, a country where more people follow the NBA on television than anywhere else in the world.

NBA is a new culture. This is actually making the history of friendship between United States and China.

Today we will take you along in a historic journey with the NBA in China, beyond the Wall.

Hello everybody, I am MS, and welcome to china. Now when the Huston, Rockets and Sacramento Kings met here for two preseason games, one in Shanghai and one in Beijing. It was history in the making. The NBA became the first American sports league the whole games in China.

Now back in the 1990s, Michael Jordan was the first NBA super star to capture the imagination of this country, but now the Chinese have one of their own, Shanghai native Yao Ming at the Rockets, who was arguably China's most well-known public figure.

Yao is a, the NBA's most recent ambassador to the game of his own country, but china's love affair with basketball has a long history.

Basketball is a relatively young game. It was introduced little over hundred years ago in 1891 at this school for missionary should took the game, rhythm along with their bibles all over the world.

It's been very popular for a long time. If you go and take a tour of the Forbidden City in Beijing, one of the first thing you see in one of the outer courts is a basketball court.

It was a favorite game among numbers of the army. the top officers , Mao Zedong loved it, it have very privilege place.

The game of basketball became a fixture in Chinese culture. And the style of play was deeply rooted in the teaching of chinese communist philosophy.

If you played for chinese national team, you happened to score 25 points in a game, this wouldn't be caused agree jubilation, or praise in the newspaper or coach patting you on, on the back. you would be caused routine meeting and it will be crisis time, because you are regarded as somebody who is seeking headlines, who's trying to break out of the collective.

The reason that China’s not very good in international basketball, even today, is because they didn't go outside the country to compete, and they wasn't look that as a sport ,that you wanted to gain glory. it was more of a tool to teach teamwork and unselfishness in the value of working together.

And in the late 1960s, China were embarked on its cultural revolution, opening up more of the society to the rest of the world. One result of the new policy, was improve relations with the united states. Symbolize by this change visit by both countries table tennis teams, and what came to know as ping pong diplomacy.

This breakthrough would be FOLLOWED by series of other changes of culture, science and sports, including a landmark trip to china by the nba.

The first major exposure that chinese have professional basketball occurred ed in 1979, when the Washington bullets play 2 exhibition games in the summer of that year. There was immediate enthusiasm for the game, and from that time, I think, things have begun to accelerate.

On about the little late 80s, Deng xiaoping came into power, and decided to extends economy fronts.That China would try to open up markets and see what could happen if one leaves this country more than a billion people.

Deng was also very interested in maintaining ties with US.He wanted to foster the cultural exchange as well.

So the NBA is one of these imports that comes into China. It’s familiar with Chinese people, because it’s basketball. they know this game. So you can see it, by opening up their borders by opening themselves to the outside of the world.They have better A sense of their HORIZON.

and with each passing YEAR, China's HORIZONS have continued to expand. As this vast nation EMBRACE ITS NEW EXPERIENCES, WHILE SHARING its own traditions with other countries. There is a SENSE THAT in many ways, a sleeping giant has finally awaken.

Just in generally, the society is opened up, they have BEgun to accept competing with the rest of the world in various pursuits and that include BASKETBALL.

you know, contries that has been shut off from the rest of world for whatever reason. You finally get that EXPOSURE TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE world THAT EMBRACE, you have so much pattern of curiosity and pride and desired that you can STRIDE OUT on that stage, that you just grab that oppotunity and wanting to turn up your best side and show your best side to the world.

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • 英文版记录片-姚明传(似乎被神化了) -- 山东斯汀 - (5797 Byte) 2007-5-10 周四, 13:52 (1066 reads)
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