九哥’s writing has post a live image of 芳芳, it is not hard for readers to smell 芳芳’s 肉香. 九哥’s experience and action is typical and normal for a young man, it is just 芳芳 is atypical at those day and age.

I am guessing it isn’t impossible to make a sex obsessive kind of man or woman out of the experience like this. I might be wrong and am not saying 九哥 is one. I think there are plenty sex obsessive kind of men (maybe even women) here. Not there is anything wrong with it. Let me state: there is nothing wrong with it. Period. :lol:
Sometimes, I wonder whether sex addiction (including having sex with strangers) is learned or inborn? Do extreme sex act like sucking on someone else’s toes really give people pleasure or it has some deep and dark root behind it. One similar argument could be: Japan is a country out of all the countries which may be the flag ship country for sex torture, sex fetish, etc. Could there be un-natural reason behind it? What is the reason behind it?

But the above is not what I intend to ask: I wonder why there is a big portion of sea turtle Chinese men wish to meet a woman like 芳芳? Why a big portion of sea turtle Chinese men seem to identify that “every night a groom” maybe is one of the greatest pleasures of life? Is it natural for a human to be a new groom every night?

Why a Chinese man wish “every night a groom” of himself and then at the same time wants a dignified wife with all the virtues and then would say North America F-1 women are not wife kind of materials.

Why in today’s world, especially in Chinese community including virtual community, if you mention “values” you don’t get as much mind resonance among well educated sea turtles, but if you mention “every night a new groom”, “having sex with strangers”, you get deep appreciation from a sizable pool of Chinese sea turtle men?

None of the above is related to this piece of music. This piece of music is ti<x>tled “love is just a dream” which is appropriate for violin maker and musician 九哥 and also fits the content.

What do you think of when you hear it? Do you picture something? Have us well educated turtles ever think of there could be something higher, something which can give you long term peace, true heart to heart warmth, understanding and care out of respect and appreciation from one woman or say a few more women which is somewhat understandable but could not be tolerated by majority of the white American women.

When you become a sex obsessive man or woman, what kind of effect it will have on you, what have you lost? Trading away the very thing you also wish to obtain, does it worth it?

I like to read 九哥’s writing, nicely written besides the sex part which is too blunt. This is not a brick type of post against 九哥, I have no idea what 九哥 is like, it is about above bold type of text. 九哥, I wish to read more, a peek to other’s lives.