My office and the X61 Lenovo Notebook which has finger print identification system

I recently signed a rental contract. Besides signing with my signature, I was asked to put my finger print.

Finger print as a signature has a long history in China. In ancient times, many people are illiterate and thus unable to the sign their names. The finger print becomes the replacement for signature. In Chinese, there is a word called 签字画押。It means sign with your finger print (rather than your signature). The finger print as signature was almost distinct after 1949. Until recently, we see a revival of using finger print to sign documents such as the real estate purchase and the leasing agreement. The finger print signature offers better identification and is easy to use (although a bit messy).

Finger print as a signature was rather rare in western world. In 1882, Gilbert Thompson of the U.S. Geological Survey in New Mexico, used his own thumb print on a document to prevent forgery. This is the first known use of fingerprints in the United States. However, the figure print as a replacement of signature has never been popular in the western countries.

The finger print does offer more security than the signature. The signatures are easily forged .However, the finger print is unique for each person. Thus the finger print offers more security than the signature.

The finger print as an identification has been used in security products. I use the technology daily as my Lenove (IBM) notebook computer and our office use finger print lock system.