12/14 听写 对中国救援吗?

The Bailout is for China?!?!
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Under the speakers’s announcer policy January 18 2007 ,and under previous order of the house,the following members are recognized for five minutes each .
Mr walzeal of california
chair, for what purpose the gentalman from oregon rise?
ask unanimous consent to assume per place
without objection!the gentleman has 5 minutes!
I thank the gentle lady for the time, you know the American public needs to know that there is a band of tremendous amount of discussions about mainstreet, about credit for people to get student loans, car loans, home loans, and all that, and talk about jobs, but those things I support , I thank every member of this body supports they recognize we have a deepening recession here in the United States.
But the American public also need to know we are gonna borrow 700,billion dollars in their name for the bailout pac kage and not one penny of it goes to any of those issues, it is not aimed at the real economy of America, it is aimed solely at the froth on wallstreet,, the speculators on wallstreet, the non-productive people on wallstreet.
the certifiably smart master of universe like secretary of the treasury henry paulson who created this financial weapons of mass-destruction,And now Secretary of Treasury, a week ago, last Friday, lit the fuse by protecting worldwide economic collapse.if we didn’t bailout those firms on wallstreet.

all credits goes to Zoe and skywalker from QQ group 32149507