9月11号听写作业 This is Qatar


I visited the Middle Eastern nation of Qutar, which is an Islamic state and one of the wealthiest nations in the world.much of the london stock exchange has been bought by qutarian money obtained through its rich gas reserves.

It is estimated that in 4 years time, Qatarian people could be the richest in the world.

And it’s recently declared by Transparency International as the least corrupt nation in the Middle East.

but what does this mean? the nation is the peninsula from saudi aribia. a small land mass consisting predomanitly ,an inhabited desert for camels and extrem (*——-).surround by the warm indian ocean, there is no source for all revenue (——*) and an important part of their historical cultrue along with the religion of islam, as these artifacts from the islamic museum in doha showing.

—–,a lively place of socializing trade,and include that.

.since Rome time,Qatar has acquired all the revenues from pearl fishing and dried fish.a warm seas. a home to the lot variant free market, all —– are available at market.

along with alive birds, which is qatar’s pets, a well-being animal is been as known the priority for this culture.

the —– of qatar is not repast??, a visible all-around the busling?? modern city of doha.

commerical was a culture in BRISTI. he can find a missing toneless along side of
traditional walling… in ….

the nation’s extreme welfare power,- ——— - ————–natural energy resource land ,huge mountain natural gas which also make qatar a popular destination for western business.

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