
How to survive a long distance relationship (LDR)



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Correction based on 在路上’s work.

Welcome to love u, I’m your host, Tiffany Smith. Is massive mileage keeping you and your guy apart? Let love u help you bridge the distance with how to survive an LDR. In today’s society long distance relationships or LDRs are more prevalent than ever, according to Stats (short form for statistics) compared by the center for the study of long distance relationships, yeah, who knew that existed. There are over 14 million couples in the United States who live in different cities. So, how do u remain in love when u can’t even remain in the same zip code. Most LDRs inevitably lead to male depression. One of the most prescribed solutions is to remain social, even if you don’t feel like it. And ladies, make sure that some of these new buddies are women, just to be safe.

“Hello?” “Liz, it’s me, Charlie, what do you up to?” “Charlie, how are you, isn’t that late there? Hi Vincent, Vincent, can I have a light?” “Where are you?” “I’m at a party.” “Can I have another mug of cranberry, thank you.” “Who are you even with?”

Just Rich, and some of the guys.” “It seems you are even hanging out with a lot dudes lately.” “Hot! Love the jeans, love that, so hot right now.” “Hey, how would u like if I start going out to dinner with some of my female co-workers. “Look, I gotta go, ruckle! Time for my body shock. “Ruckle! Nobody shocks, ruckle. No! No!”

Studies show that 70% of couples, who don’t discuss the expectations of their LDR, break up within a first six months. So, you gotta talk it out. If you are in an international romance, well, talk ain’t cheap, so set up a VOIP, which is a voice over Internet protocol account on a site like Skype. And if you both have accounts, well, then talking is free.

It’s just so great that I can still wake up with you. You know, it’s like an everyday for gypsy. I thought it’d really be sad at a time, but actually I’m really ok. Umm…honey I really got to get work. Yeah, ok. But it’s just I hate to let u go. Cause, it’s just like saying goodbye all over again. Yep. And it’s just really important that we are completely honest with each other. Do u have anything that u wanna say? No? Good, Cause I really think that we are on the exactly same lately.

Just sounds and keep in lines in communication open, I think that our relationship is really going to go the distance. I mean, don’t u think? Yeah. Yeah, I mean that’s what I mean. It’s like u never love me at all. Amazing.

Research shows that when it comes LDRs, the pen is milder than the phone, so guys, why not write down your thoughts in a classic love letter, and you probably have a web cam, so why not go ahead and read it yourself.

(some freaking romantic sentences) “Wrote this for you. Unless our classroom exhaustion, her limbs will be solar twin? that will be unable to tell you where you start, where I am….Okay, now I’m just scared…I’m forwarding it to you, call me back as soon as you watch it. Hope you dream sweetly, have each other’s cleansing bodies, only to awake refreshed, ready to do it again~~~”

LDRs don’t have to mean out of sight, out of mind. In most cases out of sight can be well out of sight. So live where u like, as long as both of u live in the state of love. See u next time.

all credits goes to breakaway
