

7月22日听写作业 China’s Sexual Revolution - Part 1

The world’s biggest country is going through the world’s biggest

sexual revolution。From the internet to coner sex shops ,China is

changing.Courtship,romance ,fashion , but lot the mix ,millions of

single men who can’t find a date much less than mate.Turbulant times

in China ,buta cultural revolution is over ,sexual revolution has

began.I am Mamory McDonald.This is doc zone.
It’s after midnight in beijing ,but things are just starting to

sizzle.This a new world of sex ,drugs and rock&roll,as china go

through the west’s 60s’s rebellion.NO one here is carrying mao’s

little red book ,they got little blackbooks filled with the names of

their next date .After decades of sexual repression ,the chinese are

suddenly shaking things up .
I don’t care what chairman Mao thinks about my life .It’s my

life, not his life.
The young generation, they are very free, they are out of control.

Sex, the great taboo is back in the open and it’s hard to miss

There is a dark sight too.The secretly short things are usually

associated with the borderlines of Thailand not china .Now

,prostitution is sky-rocketing and feeding a deadly HIV crisis.

It would all shock Chairman Mao zedong
who try to bury sex along with capitalism .But now the chinese are

embacing the both with passion .

Sixteen years ago,mao launched a huge political experiment that

shocked the world.But few knew it was also the start of a giant sexual

experiment for a billion people.That’s only now being understood.It

turned couples into comarades,not lovers ,and cloaked men and women in

the same asexual unisexual mao suit.
JIAOJIANG YING:women were turned into men.Everyone was dressed

alike, men and women.The fashion statement back then was ,you know ,
that ,so you can all become brothers and sisters.The only way women

could show a bit of their figure was by sew in the blue uniform,so

that they could have a waistline.
This is jiaojianying ,a well-known writer on chinese pop culture.She

lives both in New York and here in her beijing home.Jiao and her

mother lived through the cultural revolution when she says sexality sexuality

was almost eliminated.
The red guard went onto street and cut everybody’s long hair.That

was a very blatant way ,just trying to make everyone the same.
Yeusai is one of china’s most famous women,a national TV

celebrity,with the star power of opera and matstuward combined.She is

also a tycoon who first brougt cosmetics to China in the 1980s when

women were climering to try their first lipstick.
Yuesai;They dressed like men .Women dressed like men .no color ,no

make-up.Hairdo was all one kind of hairdo ,basically,no style. Nobody

was wearing anything reprevoctive.And certainly,nobody was going to

promptly display their lips.
The communist party even selected the spouseresponse? ,millions end up in

sexless loveless marriges.Then try to difine romance was shamed as in

this famous 1980s chinese film.For young lovers ,the world was a

hostile place ,says Professor Pansuiming ,a leading scholar on sexual

issues .
Pan :In the cultural revolution,when I was young ,I would fight

against everyone who had pre-marital sex,I would hit you because

chairman Mao lead us .
JIAO:Sex was a total taboo then. Nobody even dare to think of

holding hands ,Sex was part of the communist party consider the old

feudal customs which included a lot of things, old books ,old


painting.people had sexual life yeah but only if you think of sex as

reproductional reproductive:

[ ‘ri:pr?’d?ktiv workThe work fun did not exist by then,
Why?Becoause someone thought that sex was dangerous to

revolution,because the political revolution needs a man to fight

against someone but sex…..sex is make love and happy and you lover

the other people and it’s dangerous for political revolution.
Secretly,Mao’s own sex life was worthy as an emperor.Recently

histoty has revealed the chairman has a had a lust for virgins who supposedly

kept him young and his sexual exercises (excesses)are now____by____,
what was chairman Mao’s sexual life like?I can’t say !Because in

china,this is illegal.
It’s illegal to say what his sex life was?Yeah!I’ve never seen

chairman Mao’s sexual life ,I just read a book and the book is

illegal.So we can’t talk about this mdon’t discuss this question .
Mao was phony.Mao basically you know said enveryone else should live

this pure and poor ,tiring life. He himself had all these girls you

know,he had a good sex,if you define a good sex life as having a lot

of girls .
Mao left hundreds of millions ordinary people literally in the dark

when they came to their sex live s with many married couples live in

sexless marriges,Today, a half centery later ,many are discovering

steps to better romance and love lives.But millions are still

terriblely ignorant to basically sexual facts ,says china leading

sexologist doctor Dingxiaoming
In 1981,we would see a lot of patients who were actually

impotent,often ,their condition did better to the cultural revolution

but they never seen anyone about it.At that time ,who dare talk about

the subject,
It’s after dark and everyone is tuning into whispers–the sex talk

show that is the sensation of the nation.The host of the show is

Madam Ru Wumei who answers questions from listeners who often show a

stounding lack of sexual .?.
No ,swimming with you boyfriend will not make you pregnant.
Ru says even many university students are paying for ignore of sex

because the older generation was to embrassed to teach them anything

.A few days ago ,on our program,there was a male university student

in the first year who met a girl, they have do kiss,he wanted to know

if he get AIDS or get pregnant even though they were wearing


RU understood their problems well ,because she too was a victim

ofthe culural revolution’s sexual repression.
When I got married I knew nothing ,I was really cluelessclewless. I knew

something was going to happen but I didn’t know what ,I was very

scared about this ,the experience left me with a very bad impression

.I got divorced at 28 years old and never married again.
