What is the difference between Sauna and Message, Karaoke and KTV, Beauty Shop and Hair Salon?

To many Chinese and almost all the first time international visitors, the above places mean the same. However, there are huge differences. Here are the explanations.

A message parlor (休闲按摩) usually means real message services. China is definitely the message capital in the world. In big and median sized cities around China, one can find the message services in every corner of the street. The message services are usually charged by the hour. For example, a high end message services such as the Oriental DaBan (东方大班)and Buhdi (菩提)will set you back for 100-150 RMB/hour for their foot message and Chinese full body message. The local chain such as the LiangZi (良子) charges around 50 RMB/hour while some low end message services in residential compound charges only 40 RMB/hour. While there are differences in the interior decorations and environment, there is hardly any difference in message techniques. Therefore, the best deals can be found in local message parlors if you care less of the atmosphere and the decorations.

Sauna (桑拿)in China and most of the southeast Asia usually mean brothel house. The name is populated in Thailand and Macau. Although discouraged by the central government, the service is wide rampant in China. From the northern city of ShenYang to the Southern city of Zhuhai, one can easily find such places by asking a taxi driver. In certain cities, such as Dongguan and Danshui (Guangdong), almost every hotel in town offers such services. In other cities, the Sauna services are concentrated in the railway stations area where a lot of transit population.

Karaoke (卡啦OK) is originally from Japan. The fad has since died down in Japan, but yet it is still popular in China. The service has developed into Chains such as Cashbox (钱柜) in Beijing. The Karaoke rooms are charged by hour and are differentiated by size. A light buffet and soda drinks are usually provided free of charge.

KTV is a Chinese invention. It means Karaoke with girls. Usually the cost includes Karaoke singing and girl’s tips. Touching and occasionally kissing are allowed. The real act costs extra and is usually negotiated and is prohibited in the Karaoke rooms. There is a Chinese word called chutai (出台) means take the girls out to your hotel room. However, not every girls offer such services. I have seen hundred of girls standing in the lobby of a KTV house to be selected by client. A true eye opener and sad reality of the uncontrolled capitalism in China.

Beauty shop (美发厅) is where most of the Chinese cut their hair. It is rather cheap and may only cost 10 RMB/hair cut. There are also high end beauty shops and usually target young and fashionable women. A hair cut and style in those places can easily cost over 500RMB in big cities such as Beijing.

Hair Salon (发廊) is not for hair. It is a brothel house which offers low end services such as BJ or HJ. These salons are usually disguised as beauty shops and can be spotted next to big hotels. The girls wearing next to nothing is a clear sign that they can not cut hairs.

China was a rather poor but very stable country 25 years ago. Since then, the economic growth has shocked the world. The by products of the free capitalism also grow proportionally with the economic growth. The income gap of the richer coaster cities and the poorer inland countyside also fueled the growth of the above phenomena in China.

A bulletin in Macau advertising Sauna service