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Uncategorized mmpower on 14 May 2008 01:26 pm

发给老美同事们的发动捐款email, 供有需要的同学参考

根据一个网上别人的email改了一下, 刚发出去.

The deadly earthquake (7.9 magnitude) in Sichuan, China on May 12th took at least 12 thousand precious lives so far and the death toll is sure to rise since some of the towns in the quake center are still not accessible at this point.



There are several ways to donate online if you want to help the people in suffer:

Online donation links:
– American Red Cross (Southern Arizona Chapter), Chinese Earthquake
Relief Fund.

– MercyCorp

– Hong Kong Red Cross (choose China Relief)

And it would be greatly appreciated if you could forward the links above to other people that may be interested to help.

Thank you!

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