此话怎讲?只有还未完全受到社会腐蚀侵袭的teenagers才是目前提高生活品质的可靠保障和希望。他们不但有能力和气魄,还能深刻影响他们周围的人群。如何操作?记得我读中学时有很多兴趣小组,多数学生都表现出了很浓厚的兴趣,无论是生物医学,计算机,数理化,文史地,还是一些稀奇古怪的东东,大家都搞得很有声有色。而且出了很多专刊(类似专业讨论刊物,很多还是手工抄写的,当时计算机还不普及)。不过就是不记得当" ...

3857 次点击    关键字: none
Obama具备提名资格是美国历史上一件大事,先祝贺他一下。不过Hillary还没有bow-out,就不能下定论。Anything could happen, this is America。
话说前几天和一位老美聊天,起头是关于IT技术在医疗保健领域的应用。后来不知不觉话题就转到大选去了。这位老兄在东岸的一家医院负责战略规划。他说IT在医保口的应用相对于其他工业和服务业领域都要落后," ...

3150 次点击    关键字: none
By McKinsey & Company http://www.ifc.org/ifcext/che.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/Healthpres_2007_BobKocher/$FILE/Healthpres_2007_Bob+Kocher.pdf
" ...

2384 次点击    关键字: none
IFC Presentation - Pioneering Deeper in to the Chinese Healthcare Market
United Family Hospitals and Clinics 和睦家医院 http://www.ifc.org/ifcext/che.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/Healthpres_2007_RobertaLipson/$FILE/Healthpres_2007_Roberta+Lipson.pdf
" ...

1959 次点击    关键字: none
Bioweapons Infections Hit Texas A&M University Again (Q Fever) - Accident Happened During Biodefense Experiments
- Q Fever Cluster Not Reported to the Centers for Disease Control
- Secon" ...

5040 次点击    关键字: none
Retractable Safety Syringes Market Set To Reach 350 Million Dollars As Designs Improve
Sharps cross-contamination and caregiver safe" ...

3214 次点击    关键字: none
WEDNESDAY JUNE 27, 2007 Last modified: Friday, June 22, 2007 10:08 PM CDT COUNTY PROGRAM FEATURED
http://www.wdtimes.com/articles/2007/06/25/in_times_square/times01.txt Jefferson County’s highly successful pharmaceutical" ...

4415 次点击    关键字: none
Is European Health Care Better?http://finance.yahoo.com/insurance/article/103126/Is-Eu
by Kerry Capell
Friday, June 15, 2007
provided by BusinessWeek Online In his new film Sicko, gadfly Michael Moore’s latest" ...

4521 次点击    关键字: none
USEPA’s Suite of Disaster Debris Management and Disposal Decision Support Tools (DST)
http://www2.ergweb.com/bdrtool/login.asp First-time users will need to request user a ID and password. The
links has directions for making the" ...

2661 次点击    关键字: none
EPA Cites Largest Hospital Disinfectant Manufacturer for False Claims Contact: Rich Cahill (212) 637-3666, [email protected] (New York, N.Y. — May 17, 2007) The largest U.S. manufacturer of<" ...

2295 次点击    关键字: none
$3.5m development to make needles a thing of the past
http://www.qbr.com.au/index.cfm?storyid=31242&cp=displaystory Vaccinations are set to become a lot less painful, with Queensland resea" ...

2368 次点击    关键字: none
Don’t flush your old prescription drugs; they could harm the environment
By Jen McCoy, Daily Register Prescription medications can flush toxins from the body, but flushing the expired or unused remedi" ...

4233 次点击    关键字: none
For safety’s sake, follow protocols when disposing pharmaceuticals
Are there hormones, antibiotics, cancer chemo" ...

4386 次点击    关键字: none
Health Care Experts Honor Environmental Leaders, Fight Hospital Waste
Two-day national summit recognizes excellence in ‘healthy health care,’ tackles pharmaceutical waste management Minneapolis, " ...

3191 次点击    关键字: none
The environmental side effects of old medicine
By Tom Watson
Special to The Seattle Times How many bo" ...

2869 次点击    关键字: none
Prescription ‘Take Back’ Program Being Studied
By Scarlet Sims
The Morning News BENTONVILLE — Law " ...

2783 次点击    关键字: none

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